Architect: Kali Kapsali
Collaborator: Maria Kiousi
Location: Patras, Greece
Year: 2019
Client: Municipality of Patras
Area: 1753.61 sqm
Status: Competition Entry
In the attempt to create a Crematorium, the concept of death is at the center. The ontological theory of the four elements of nature was the common denominator of the approach to death. This theory is not only at the core of ancient Greek philosophy, but is also found in various religions, from Islam to Hinduism and Buddhism.
In particular, Aristotle has analyzed this theory in his work “On Genesis and Decay”. According to this theory, the essence, the world, consists of four basic elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. Every material is structured and deconstructed into these elements. Aristotle also defines the properties of the four elements (cold / heat, dry / liquid) and adds a fifth element, the Ether, the spirit. This fifth element is everywhere, fills the universe, changes into matter and permeates all matter , is the source of all energy.
We have found that the theory of the four elements is a reading of the composition and decomposition of the matter, life and death of matter, which addresses and refers to different cultures and religions, thus constituting a common denominator on the basis of which the concept idea of the Crematorium could be built. We therefore used this theory as the core of our synthesis based, firstly, on Aristotle’s diagram and then, transforming it into spatial qualities, materiality and visual escapes.